The Odyssey Trusted Advisor™ (OTA)
The Odyssey Trusted Advisor™ program comprises of four Webinar Modules and five personal individualized coaching/mentoring sessions. The program is intended to assist participants with building a business model which produces success at higher levels in both your personal and business environments.
The Odyssey Trusted Advisor™ Process will teach you:
1. How to move from Level 1 and Level 2 basic consulting to Level 3 and Level 4 Trusted Advisor and Master Practitioner Consulting.
2. The application and benefits of Business Model Innovation and the power of consulting models and ‘pen selling’ in your business.
3. Business and financial strategic application and implementation for client interventions.
4. How to Integrate consulting and coaching into your professional service practice.
5. Case review studies, war stories and concept sale.
6. How to integrate success processes into your business.
7. Methodologies and processes to integrate and practice in your business.
By completing the Odyssey Trusted Advisor™ Process you will:
- Have the capacity to move into a ‘market of none’ –you are the only one!
- Clarify critical success factors to transform your consulting business.
- Recognize the paradigms that hinder and help build your business.
- Live your dream, vision and purpose with passion through this noble profession of consultancy.
- Create the most essential prerequisite with your client and develop the mindset shift from traditional consulting to result-based consulting.
- Recognize the power of the four critical leverage points.
- Understand how quality management professionalism and ethics go hand in hand.
- Execute three essentials that consultants advise on – but forget to apply to themselves.
- Have practice samples to apply in the workplace.