Leadership Team
Imelda Kelly Butler
Imelda K Butler is Chairperson, Shareholder and Director of Odyssey Transformational Strategies™ and Odyssey Consulting Institute™ and is the visionary strategist leader of the organization. Imelda and John co-founded Odyssey in 2005 along with colleague and business partner Dave Bonnstetter to make real the vision of Odyssey. Following John’s untimely death in 2010, Imelda gallantly embraced the leadership role and successfully drives Odyssey from strength to new strength.
Imelda is an accomplished author and experienced consultant in the field of change management, cultural transformation and strategy formulation and execution. She brings innovative, practical expertise and experience to add value to Odyssey Consultants at every level. She has conducted major innovative consulting assignments which are case examples in Odyssey.
Dr. Shayne Tracy
Dr. Shayne Tracy is a Strategic Organization Development Specialist and Master Coach. He is a trusted advisor to senior managers and executives in the creation of personal and corporate value. Dr Tracy has joined the Board of Odyssey Transformational Strategies and Odyssey Consulting Institute and is a trusted partner for the organization. His value creation activities include strategic planning, business restructuring, performance management, assessment, diagnostics and executive coaching. He is a Senior Facilitator with the Behavioral Coaching Institute and certifies Master Coaches worldwide.
Odyssey International HubMaster Network
Sergio Motles: Chile
Sergio Motles is the President of Summit Consulting in Santiago, Chile. As an Odyssey Certified Consultant, (OCC) Sergio has specialized in strategic planning, performance management, leadership, executive group development and diagnostic assessments. He is Director for the Leadership and Management Diploma at the Universidad de Chile in Santiago. Sergio is a Certified Executive Master Coach and has a Business degree from Universidad de Chile and an MBA from Northeastern University in Boston, USA.
Sergio is offering the Odyssey Competent Consultant Program in Santiago, Chile.
To learn more about this program visit his website: www.odysseychile.cl
Hasan is the founder of İş Kavramları Consulting and Achieve Global Turkey located in Istanbul, where he actively pursues his career as a consultant, coach and entrepreneur. He completed his education in two areas: economics and musical instrument design and making; he is a luthier. Hasan has over four decades of business experience in various areas such as auditing, international trade and manufacturing. Transforming his experience and knowledge into consultancy business, Hasan is the initiator of the concept “Consulted Consultant” and has become the “go-to” consultant in his network by mentoring others in becoming successful entrepreneurs and consultants.
Hasan is a faculty member of Mimar Sinan Fine Art University in Istanbul and he lectures on “Preparation to Business Life” with a great popularity among senior class students. He is a member of ETAM, which is an organization aiming to improve the cooperation between investors and universities in the field of industrial design. He is also an active player in founding and managing NGO’s. He is still an active member of Turkish National Committee of Lighting.
Hasan is a certified consultant of TTI Success Insights. As part of The Complete Leader faculty, Hasan’s emphasis will be on helping leaders develop self management skills, creativity and authenticity.
Hasan is offering the Odyssey Competent Consultant Program in Istanbul, Turkey.
To learn more about this program please contact Hasan here.
Alexandre Ribas is the founder of Venko Consulting, Success For You Publishing, Success Tools and President of TTI Success Insights Brasil, all of them located in São Paulo, Brazil.
Started to get involved with consulting projects in 1998 and work with the Odyssey methodology since 2008.
Already conducted consulting and training projects in companies such as Abbott, Roche, Volkswagen, Covidien, GE, Nextel, Bayer, Novartis, BD, Tokio Marine, SAS, Warner Bros, Toyota, Markem Image, Carrefour, Johnson & Johnson and others.
- Certified as Executive & Leader Coach, Personal & Professional Coach and Positive Coach.
- Certified in HPI-Human Performance Improvement from ASTD and CPBA, CPVA and CPTHDA from TTI Success Insights.
- Member of the Robert Hartman Institute for formal and applied axiology.
- B.S. on Business Administration from Universidade Mackenzie, graduated in Work Psychology from UFPR and MBA – Human Resources from USP, and two extension courses from Harvard, one in organization behavior and the other in Psychology.
To learn more about the Brazil program please contact Alex here.
In Memory
John Butler
John Butler is Author, Architect, Visionary and Inspiration of the Odyssey concept and brought extensive experience from the field as a wealth creator for his clients. His ultimate objective was to collaborate with Odyssey consultants in delivering a cultural transformational change management organizational development strategic intervention on a grand scale with higher level applications to major blue chip organizations. Sadly John passed away suddenly in July 2010. His immense contribution to consultancy and business is recognized worldwide. His tremendous legacy lives on in the Odyssey Movement.