Graduate Testimonials
“Odyssey started out for me as self-exploration. The to-the-point feedback from the group is what I needed in hindsight. I went back to my old clients with a different mindset and one of them within a year became the second most improved home builder in the United States and as a result of this I was granted 25% ownership of the company (over $70m). The steps I learned in Odyssey helped me achieve this and much more. Odyssey cannot be explained, it can only be experienced!”
“When my son decided to succeed me in our consulting/coaching practice, I didn’t feel that I had the tools to teach him how to take over and build the practice. When I began 20 years ago, I read books on the subject, hired a successful coach in my field but basically started by the seat of my pants – not very teachable. While I am delighted with what we created, I wanted him to experience a proven methodology to start his journey of building the next generation of The XLR8 Team, Inc. The Odyssey experience has proven to be just that. Thanks Shayne & Imelda.”
“I went into Odyssey to sharpen my saw – incremental change – and I came out of it with a name change for my business. Performance Training was our business going in, Performance Strategies was our business coming out. This was part of our transformational paradigm shift. I came away with a 25 point action plan around using metrics, change interventions and business models.”
The Odyssey Competent Consultant program was very inspirational, energizing and generated lots of ideas for being a great consultant. Using the in-depth knowledge from others, along with the case studies made the program practice-oriented. I liked the Odyssey Arrow. It will be valuable as a guideline for my practice
The group of participants was well-balanced with a wide range of experience. This contributed to interesting, focused discussions and exchanges. The Facilitators were absolutely excellent, combining theory and examples from the field and extracting the valid points from the different contributions of the group. Their breadth of knowledge, experience and the ability to tie it all together made for very good learning about the business of consulting. I am more confident with my consulting skills and the consulting process.
Having gone through a variety of learning experiences, this one deserves the crown. My hat is off to the Odyssey Consulting Institute.
“Two years later, the biggest learning point for me is the methodology. After being in consultancy for 15 years I increased my business substantially. The biggest deal post-Odyssey was $1,200,000. The pricing mentality and margin was substantially better for the same solution to my client.”
“Who I am and what I do pale when compared with the confidence I have gained during my Odyssey week. I am a wealth creator for organizations – an organizational specialist – and my value potential has increased enormously. Something in that process clicked for me to help me appreciate my 20 years of experience in providing service to organizations regarding the value I bring to them.”
“I found the Webinars and follow up coaching was very effective in learning and applying the Odyssey process and methodology in a timely manner. I liked working on my own and then meeting with my Coach. The MasterClass was the “coup de grace” for bringing it all together! It was the best 4 days of personal and professional development I have ever experienced in growing my consulting business. The business model I created and the overall experience with my colleagues has generated higher revenue and a greater sense of self confidence in running my consulting business.”
“I was not sure how to focus my professional life after being a high level manager for over 25 years… wondering between coaching and how to become a consultant. After going through the Odyssey process, I truly understood how to become a Level 4 consultant, bringing value added offers to my clients and having a comprehensive perspective on how to approach their needs. With my personal coach appointed to guide me through this Odyssey, I developed my own consulting model and have been able to close important and profitable businesses in different areas of my expertise. Participating in the 4-day Master Class was fundamental to bring all the knowledge in place and develop close friendships with my colleagues.”
“I had been consulting for ten years when I decided to invest in myself and my consulting business. I wish I had done it sooner! I was generating good revenue and had some good clients but always felt after an assignment I provided more value to the client than the amount I charged on the client invoice. The Odyssey program gave me an approach, the processes and tools to feel confident to provide value and to be paid for the value delivered. The MasterClass was a transformational moment! I redesigned my business model to speak to my services and to tell my story in a convincing way. Having peer review was one of the most rewarding experiences in my life and in my work”
“Two weeks after Odyssey we signed up a $50,000 per month deal for 15 months. Before Odyssey we could be characterized as an ‘everything to everyone’ type business. In fact, Odyssey has fundamentally changed the way we do business with our clients. After Odyssey we have the clarity and focus about what business we are in. We are in the talent management, cultural transformation and strategic intervention business.”