Hub Master Opportunity


Hub Master Opportunity

1.   Strategy

The strategy for Odyssey Consulting Institute is to create Odyssey Hub Masters globally who teach, train, integrate and implement the Odyssey-Business of Consulting solutions and processes with consultants in their regions and markets.


2.   Structure

Hub Master Agreements are created with interested, competent parties globally who deliver Odyssey-The Business of Consulting System (System) to their clients locally and applying, modifying and customizing the “System” to accommodate best practice requirements for local markets.


3.   Skills

Hub Master Selection Criteria:


  1. Hub Master is a professional practice owner, manages and has access to a consultancy or training network
  2. Hub Master has a Network of consultants as potential clients for the “System” and an excellent reputation in their marketplace
  3. Hub Master is compatible with and is a true representation of the Odyssey Solutions code of ethics and is honest in all his/her business and personal lifestyle matters
  4. Hub Master has a marketing and branding strategy and plan for business development and a competent support team and staff
  5. Hub Master agrees to deliver and present the Odyssey “System” processes and programs in a professional manner to professionals who desire to learn the business of consulting
  6. The Hub Master agrees to commit to six months mentoring and coaching with a professional Odyssey Consulting Institute expert focused on the integration of the Odyssey “system” solutions into their business
  7. The Hub Master is solvent as a business
  8. The Hub Master commits to ongoing development and transformation in line with the Odyssey Consulting Institute processes and methodologies


4.   Style – How

Steps in Acquiring Odyssey Solutions:


  1. Hub Master is recommended or introduced to Odyssey Consulting Institute
  2. Hub Master collaborates and substantiates the ethos and core values of the Odyssey Process
  3. Hub Master completes the acquisition process
  4. Hub Master purchases the Odyssey Solutions Processes as set out in Appendix One and Appendix Two
  5. Hub Master commits to six months mentoring and coaching by a professional Odyssey Consulting Institute expert with the purpose of integrating the Odyssey solutions into their business
  6. Hub Master agrees to maintain, develop, upgrade and present the Odyssey Solutions Processes in a professional manner appropriate for local market requirements and expectations
  7. Hub Master commits to join an international network of fellow Hub Masters for the betterment of client engagement and satisfaction by continuous learning and sharing of best practice integration of Odyssey Solutions into their business.


5.   System

The system requirements:


  1. Formal process approval of Odyssey Solutions Hub Master
  2. Professional Qualification Validation
  3. Sale Agreement with Hub Master
  4. Investment payment in full, up-front, including commitment to the coaching and mentoring process


6.   Summary

This process and program is an internationally proven practical and tested consultancy process with successful graduates, which focuses on “The Business of Consulting”. The system, methodology and processes contained therein have a strong success track record.

The purpose of the business offering is to provide the Hub Master with a profit centre for their consultancy network and business. The benefits of the business offering are that the system works and with application and coaching will deliver timely return on investment bringing success to both clients and Hub Master. The vision of Odyssey as a transformational strategy for consultants worldwide will be achieved.


Odyssey Competent Consultant Process


Introductory Package One:

  • Odyssey Executive Briefing -60 minute program with client notes, PowerPoint slides and recorded presentation
  • Odyssey Business of Consulting Overview –four hour program comprising of client notes and PowerPoint presentation
  • Odyssey Competent Consultant Program – comprising of four modules with client notes workbook, PowerPoint slides, recorded presentation for each and all four modules
  • Coaching and Mentoring Process – six month process and guide to creating a value based business process for Hub Master
  • Affiliation with International Network of Hub Masters



Advanced Package Two:

  • Odyssey Trusted Advisor Program – comprising of four modules with client notes workbook, PowerPoint slides, recorded presentation


MasterClass Package Three

  • Odyssey MasterClass Program – comprising of four modules with client notes workbook, PowerPoint slides


The Hub Master Owner may choose to deliver the outlined programs via classroom or electronic methods. It is recommended that each program is accompanied with coaching and mentoring to enhance the integration of the methodologies and systems into business and client interventions.


Introductory Package One:

  • Odyssey Executive Briefing
  • Odyssey Business of Consulting Overview
  • Odyssey Competent Consultant Program
  • Coaching and Mentoring Process
  • Affiliation with International Network


Advanced Package Two:

  • Odyssey Trusted Advisor Program


MasterClass Package Three

  • Odyssey MasterClass Program