
Odyssey International HubMaster Network: Chile

Sergio Motles

Sergio Motles is the President of Summit Consulting in Santiago, Chile. As an Odyssey Certified Consultant, (OCC) Sergio has specialized in strategic planning, performance management, leadership, executive group development and diagnostic assessments. He is Director for the Leadership and Management Diploma at the Universidad de Chile in Santiago. Sergio is a Certified Executive Master Coach and has a Business degree from Universidad de Chile and an MBA from Northeastern University in Boston, USA.

Sergio is offering the Odyssey Competent Consultant Program in Santiago, Chile.

To learn more about this program visit:

Odyssey Programs - Chile 2016 - PDF cover

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Transformational MasterClass – Santiago – December 2015 – Gallery

Masterclass Chile 2015 with Sergio Motles Sergio Motles odyssey-transformational-masterclass-chile-2016-02
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odyssey-transformational-masterclass-chile-2016-13 odyssey-transformational-masterclass-chile-2016-14 Odyssey Graduates Chile 2015


Original Testimonial

“Al inicio de este proceso de aprendizaje, mis temores e inseguridad no me permitían ver toda la capacidad y valor que había en mí, que me constituían en una buena consultora.
Hoy, ya no hay miedo ni duda. Se ha instalado en mi la confianza, no sólo en que cuento con una metodología poderosa, sino que soy una persona completa capaz de acompañar a otros a lograr metas importantes. He recibido el cariño y reconocimiento de todos y eso ha encendido mi fuerza interior.
Me voy feliz… y es sólo el comienzo. Gracias Profundas!”

English Translation

“At the beginning of this learning process, my fears and insecurity did not allow me see all the value and capability I had in me that made me a good consultant.
Today, there is no doubt or fear. Confidence has been installed in me, not only because I have a powerful methodology, but because I am a complete person able to accompany others to achieve their important goals. I have received the affection and recognition from all and that has ignited my inner force.
I leave happy … and this is just the beginning. Deep thanks!”

– Claudia Zapico

Original Testimonial

“Este Diplomado ha significado un gran cambio en mi vida, de la forma de ver las cosas y los negocios. Definitivamente me hará cambiar mi modelo de consultoría.

También me ha servido para conocer y reconocer los talentos que tengo, apreciarme como persona y profesional, en un ambiente donde no sólo conocí colegas, compañeros, profesores y maestros, sino también hice amigos y me ha permitido crear una nueva red de contactos.
Muchas gracias Shayne y Sergio por toda la generosidad de compartir esta experiencia con nosotros.”

English Translation

“This Diploma has meant a major change in my life, from the perspective of the way I see things and business. It will definitely change my consulting model.
It has also served me to learn and recognize my own talents, appreciate myself as a persona and as a professional, in an atmosphere where not only I met classmates, colleagues, teachers and masters, but where I also made friends that will be my new network.
Thank you very much Shayne and Sergio for all the generosity in sharing this experience with us.”

– Gonzalo Robles

Original Testimonial

“Para mi ha sido una maravillosa experiencia hacer esta travesía Odyssey con dos grandes maestros como Shayne y Sergio.
Llegué el primer día tímidamente y hoy me voy empoderada, segura y con un maletín de herramientas. Recordaré siempre este gran aprendizaje porque para mi hay un antes y un después. Hoy soy UNA CONSULTORA ODYSSEY y no hay vuelta atrás!”

English Translation

“It has been a marvellous experience for me to undertake the Odyssey journey with two great masters as Shayne and Sergio.
I arrived timidly the first day and today I leave empowered, sure of myself and with a tool box. I will always remember this learning because for me there is a before and an after. Today I am an ODYSSEY CONSULTANT and there is no turning back!”

– Myriam Sborowitz

Original Testimonial

“Los aprendizajes del proceso son haber podido revisar todo lo que tengo, sistematizarlo, darle estructura, visibilizarlo, para diseñar un nuevo consultor que quiero ser.
Además, de aprender de otros, desafiando mis propios conocimientos, para integrar miradas y reformar mis ideas.
Me he puesto en un lugar de reingeniería personal. Agradecido del equipo, Shayne Tracy, Sergio Motles y Miru por su cariño y planificación de lo realizado.”

English Translation

“The learning of this process has been to be able to revise what I have, systematize it, give it structure, visualize it, in order to design the consultant I want to be.
Also, learning from others, challenging my own knowledge, integrating different perspectives and reforming mines.
I have put my place in a personal re-engineering. Thank you to the team, Shayne Tracy and Sergio Motles for their affection and planning.”

– Rodrigo Mujica